Why Abortion
What is abortion? A lot of talk
has been going on lately about abortion. What is so great about it, that it should be on so many
people’s lips. What does the word mean?
Does it mean anything to you, that
our population is being destroyed
on purpose.
Why do not mothers want to care
for their own baby? The least you
can do is give it to some one who
does want it and not kill it and call yourself a murderer the rest of
your life.
Now days a person looks at
those around them and follows
what they see without a thought of
the consequences. When a mother
destroys her baby she is being an example to others and teaching
those around her that it is the
thing to do to have an abortion
and it is what you are suppose to
do just because others are doing it.
The miscarriage is an abortion
that is not on purpose. Lots of
girls have miscarriage.
This is not their doing all the time.
But we are told by the doctors,
that contraceptives can upset the system and the cycle and cause the
miscarriage so in this way we can prevent a miscarriage. Using the contraceptive takes away the
privilege of God to choose what
cells he wants to make a new
human life with.
Who are we, to decide which cells
are to live and which are to die.
We do not know God’s plan for
the next human life. Why does the
woman want to upset her body
and put it under the control of
Satan. Satan invented the contraceptives. It is in his plan to
distort human life and kill it. God never intended for females to put
all these contraceptive devises in
the body. What a waste of time
and money and life.
Contraceptives are an abortion in an earlier time of the life of the baby. A darling baby created by God. At any time of life the killing
is still the same and is taking the
life of the baby.
The Lord expects us to use self-control and temperance in every
part of our life. God has given us
Ten Commandments that are right to
the point. They are so simple that
a child can read ‘not to kill.’ The
life that is in you is not to be
destroyed by you or any devise or
other being. It is all taking away
life no matter how big it is. Soon
we will be judged and find out
how horrible this sin is in the sight
of God.
So soon as someone says he is
not convicted, in so many words,
he is saying I don’t love you
God I want to do my own thing.
When in reality he is not doing his
own thing at all, but doing Satan’s bidding. There are only two ways
to go, the right way or the wrong
way, God’s way or the Devil’s
way. There is no other way. We
can only be saved in God’s
appointed way.
We cannot pick and choose which
part of the Bible we want or do not want. We take it all and belong to Jesus or we belong to the Devil.
It is just that simple. Please go all the way with Jesus then you can spend all the eternal ages with Him forever.
-------------------------------------------- A Message to Our Physicians
PG 14
"My message will become more and more
pointed, as was the message of John the
Baptist, even though it cost me my life.
The people shall not be deceived.”